Why Is Organic Cotton More Expensive?

We know the amazing benefits that organic cotton can bring to our babies and the environment around us, but what about the cost? People can be initially put off by the cost of organic clothing as it is typically more expensive in price. This isn’t just a ploy for brands to get more money out of their customers, there really are some important reasons behind it.

Why Is Organic Cotton More Expensive?

We explore the different elements in the supply chain of organic cotton that make it the more expensive material.

Farming Methods

The farming methods for organic cotton are not conventional, along with being hand picked, pests can be controlled better and more safely by pesticides in regular cotton. As organic cotton farming is more time intensive and pesticides are not used, much more time and care is required to grow organic cotton plants.

Farming of regular cotton is done via machine picking. Whereas organic cotton is hand picked, whilst this is a more time intensive task, it does mean that the purity of cotton can be maintained and its not weakened or damaged as it’s picked.

Organic Cotton Crops Are More Expensive

It’s simple, organic cotton crops are more expensive than regular cotton plants. Regular cotton farming starts with genetically modified seeds which are used to develop resistance to bugs. As the bugs become stronger over time, more pesticides are required to keep the crops in check. Organic cotton is made from natural seeds and no hazardous pesticides are used. It also costs more per acre to grow than regular cotton, but it yields less.

Regular Cotton Has Increased Demand

Regular cotton still stands as being the most popular material globally. It accounts for more than half of all fibre needs across the globe. Because of the increased demand, farming methods are less time intensive and more productive. The higher demand and more sophisticated farming methods help to keep the costs low.

The Whole Supply Chain Is Supported

Regular cotton farming can be a shady area, there is a lot of slave labour and poor working conditions that are experienced. Organic cotton clothing should hold a GOTS certification or similar, this covers all stages, from field, to retail. By example, the GOTS certification plays careful attention to the social and environmental standards. This includes no child labour, working conditions are safe and hygienic, no discrimination. No excessive working hours, harsh or inhuman treatment is prohibited. Ethical business practices and quality assurance system is put in place. 

Whilst organic cotton can be slightly more expensive, it provides so much more than just the clothing you wear. It supports everyone in the supply chain. whilst providing much softer, durable and comfortable clothing. At Bjarni Baby it was very important to us to make sustainability and organic cotton as affordable and accessible to everyone. We believe that everyone should be able to access clothing that is better for the environment and for their little ones.

If you haven’t already do go over and ready our blog on the differences between organic cotton and regular cotton! Keep an eye on our Instagram for more on our #BjarniJourney.

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Susan Sage
Susan Sage is a dedicated mother of two, whose journey through parenthood has fueled her passion for sharing knowledge and expertise with other parents. Her articles are a treasure trove of insights, offering practical advice, emotional support, and innovative ideas to help parents navigate the complexities of raising children in today's world.