Exciting, daunting, scary, happy, emotional, whirlwind, exhausted. If you’re nodding your head to all of these, you’re not alone, and it’s completely normal!
Being a new mom is a life changing milestone, with a new life to look after and care for, it’s also important to remember to be kind to yourself during this time.
Journalling the postpartum journey is something I really recommend during those early stages, it’s time to check in with how you feel, write down your thoughts and just take a moment to be present.
Motherhood can consume a lot of time which is why I’ve gathered over 50 postpartum journal prompts that you can pick and choose from, and if you’ve only got time or energy to write one sentence, that’s fine too!
60 Nurturing Postpartum journal prompts For New Moms
The idea of these journal prompts is to pick one to give you a starter for 10 to answer it openly and honestly in your journal.
I’ve put together a whole host of prompts, and there is no pressure to do these in order. They’re grouped into specific categories so you can scan, start from the bottom and repeat them as many times as you like.
The First Week: Adjusting to New Beginnings
1.How did I feel when I held my baby for the first time?
- What emotions did you feel at this time?
2. What has been the most surprising thing about the first week?
- Celebrate the wins, acknowledge the hard moments and write them down honestly.
3. What do I want to remember about these early days?
- That delicious baby bubble is one that so many wish could last forever, what moments do you cherish.
4. What challenges have I faced, and how have I handled them?
Being a new mom presents new challenges you’ve never encountered before, think about what’s cropped up during the first week.
5. What advice or support has been most helpful so far?
- Has there been anything you’ve read online or that friends and family have shared with you that’s been a golden nugget of information?
6. How has my perception of motherhood changed in this first week?
- Remember, there’s no judgement with journaling. Be honest and open.
7. What small wins have I celebrated this week?
- List everything that has been a success this week, it can be something small such as savouring a warm cup of tea, or feeling more comfortable with a feeding routine.
8. How have I connected with my baby today?
- Check in with yourself in the present moment, is there a moment that strengthened your bond today?
9. What new skills or knowledge have I learned as a mom?
- A week is a lot of time in baby land! If you’re a new mom, everything is new, so celebrate those new skills and knowledge you are learning along the way.
10. How can I be kinder to myself during this transition?
- It’s so important to remember to be kind to yourself. You are amazing, you’re learning, you’re a new mom, if you’re finding things difficult, remember they get easier. Writing everything down will help you to acknowledge, and look back on in weeks to come to realise how far you’ve actually come.
Self-Care and Reconnecting with Yourself
11. What does self-care look like for me right now?
- Consider all of the self-care activities you are prioritising during postpartum. If there hasn’t been much time for it, write this down too.
12. What small moments of joy have I experienced today?
- Note what made you smile, this could be anything from seeing your little one in the morning to enjoying the fresh, crisp air on a walk.
13. What are three things I can do to recharge this week?
- Here’s some inspo to help you get started – walking, getting fresh air, soaking in the bath, having a face mask, reading a magazine, dancing to your favorite tunes!
14. How am I nurturing my body as it heals?
- Postpartum is all about healing, your body has done an incredible thing. Check in with your body and acknowledge what you’re doing to be kind to your body today.
15. What affirmations can I say to myself to feel supported?
Here are some of our favorites that you could use;
“I am doing my best, and that is enough.”
Reminds you that perfection is not required; effort and love are what matter.
“It’s okay to ask for help; I am not alone in this journey.”
Encourages seeking support and recognizing the value of a community.
“My body is strong, and it is healing in its own time.”
Acknowledges the incredible work your body has done and its natural recovery process.
“I am learning and growing alongside my baby each day.”
Reassures you that motherhood is a journey, and growth happens over time.
“I deserve rest, care, and compassion as much as anyone else.”
Reinforces the importance of prioritizing your own well-being.
16. How can I ask for help when I need it?
- Plan how you can reach out to loved ones, or note down how you have asked for it previously.
17. What is one thing I loved about myself before becoming a mom, and how can I reconnect with it?
- Take your time with this one, don’t worry if you can’t think of just one thing, list as many as you can!
18. What does rest mean to me today?
- Take a moment to be present and check in with yourself.
19. How can I create a routine that includes time for myself?
- Motherhood can be a precarious balancing act between looking after baby and trying to find time to relax. Think about what your ideal routine would be to include time for yourself, how might you be able to incorporate those little moments into your day? Be realistic, but find those moments for yourself. Your baby needs a happy, rested mom.
20. What would I tell a friend going through postpartum right now?
- Give advice and reassurance as if you were giving it to a friend, we can often be kinder to loved ones than our inner critic. Distancing yourself with this prompt may help you to see things in a new light.
Reflections on Motherhood
21. What does being a mother mean to me?
- Pause, take a breath and reflect on what motherhood means to you. Is it what you expected?
22. What emotions have been the most prominent this week?
- Postpartum brings a whirlwind of emotions, it’s normal, it can be beautiful, ugly and everything in between. This is a great prompt to come back to each week in your journey.
23. How do I feel about the changes in my identity since becoming a mom?
- It’s a really normal feeling to just not feel like yourself after birth, you become a new version of yourself over night. Reflect on how you feel your identify has changed since becoming a mom.
24. What have I learned from my baby so far?
- You and baby are learning together each day, you’re on a beautiful journey together. List everything you have learned so far.
25. What traditions or values do I want to share with my child?
- Think about what you’d love to share with your child in the future, are there specific traits you’d love to pass down to them, or traditions you want to do as a family each year?
26. How have I grown emotionally since becoming a parent?
- Write about your emotional growth since becoming a parent.
27. What do I miss most about my pre-motherhood life?
- It’s okay to miss things from your life pre-baby, reflect on those areas, and sandwich them with moments of gratitude for how those areas of your life are now.
28. What excites me most about watching my baby grow?
- Look to the future, what moments can’t you wait for?
29. What lessons has this season of life taught me?
- Check in with yourself, what has motherhood taught you so far. Include everything you can think of.
30. How do I define success as a mom?
- What does your version of successful look like as a mom? It doesn’t have to be ground breaking, it just has to be your version. An example could be, ‘success as a mom to me is one that is well rested, happy and ready to take on whatever motherhood chucks my way’.
Gratitude: Finding the Joy in Every Day
31. What am I most grateful for today?
- For those days that seem difficult, always come back to gratitude. The best way to change your frequency is to put effort into finding gratitude for what you have.
32. What are three things my baby has taught me?
- They’re the best little people to learn from!
33. How have my loved ones supported me during this time?
- Show gratitude for your loved ones that have helped you in the initial stages of motherhood.
34. What moments with my baby have made me smile recently?
- This prompt is guaranteed to put a smile on your face.
35. How has my partner or support system contributed to my journey?
- Motherhood can be straining on mom and dad, so celebrate your partner or support system for how they have supported, and continue to support you along the way.
36. What about my postpartum journey am I most proud of?
- Reflect on your favorite moments.
37. How has my baby brought more love into my life?
- List, bullet point, describe it!
38. What small victories have I celebrated this week?
- We have to celebrate those small wins as a new mom – nothing is too small to include here.
39. What about this season of life am I most thankful for?
- This is your time to say thank you.
40. How has my community helped me navigate motherhood?
- It truly takes a village to raise a little one – check in and reflect on how they have helped you so far.
Embracing Challenges with Compassion
41. What challenges have I faced, and how have I grown from them?
- Everything teaches us a lesson, it’s always something to learn from.
42. What has been the hardest part about postpartum, and how am I coping?
- Be honest, this is a judgement free zone and one of the positives about journaling. You’re checking in with you.
43. How can I reframe my struggles as opportunities for growth?
- Include what you have struggled with in the last week and sandwich it with a positive.
44. What does resilience look like to me right now?
- Just showing up every single day for your little one shows how resilient you are.
45. How can I practice more self-compassion during difficult times?
- Learn how you can be kinder to yourself, remember, motherhood is new to you, it’s a time of learning and compassion.
46. What support do I need to help with my current challenges?
- Acknowledge what has been challenging and address how your community can help you through the challenges.
47. How can I let go of expectations and embrace the present moment?
- It’s hard to feel bad when you are totally present, reflect on how you feel and write ways on how you can embrace where you are now.
48. What lessons am I learning from this journey?
- List the lessons you have learnt so far during this journey.
49. How can I acknowledge and honor my feelings without judgment?
- Your journal is a great place to do this, it’s judgement free!
50. What helps me feel grounded during stressful moments?
- It’s also okay to admit if you’re not managing stressful moments as well as you could be. List everything that you know helps you, you can refer back to stressful moments pre-motherhood for this.
Bonding and Milestones
51. What are my favorite bonding activities with my baby?
- Which activities have helped to strengthen your bond.
52. How do I feel when my baby reaches a new milestone?
- Celebrate those wins!
53. What are the little quirks or habits my baby has that I adore?
- This is a great one to leave open ended and add to each week with dates.
54. How do I show love and affection to my baby?
- List your favorite ways to show your love and affection.
55. What do I want my baby to know about me as their mother?
- What traits do you love or know you have? Don’t be afraid to write an open ended list that you can add to as you go.
56. What are my hopes and dreams for my baby’s future?
- This is a gorgeous prompt to write and keep somewhere safe to look at in years to come.
57. What has been my favorite memory with my baby so far?
- Cherish those new memories you’re making each week.
58. How do I celebrate my baby’s growth and progress?
- Reflect on the ways you currently do this, and include any ideas for the future.
59. What does our unique bond mean to me?
- Use a bullet point list if this feels easier than a paragraph of text.
60. How can I create meaningful memories during this time?
- Look forward to the future and share everything else you want to do with your little one to create memories during the postpartum journey.
I can honestly say that journalling during your postpartum journey will only enrich your experience and support you. It’s not only a form of self care, but it allows you to check in on how you’re feeling in a no judgement zone.
Remember mama, you are doing amazing, you are amazing and you are growing on this beautiful journey into motherhood. I hope you love using these journal prompts during your own special journey!