20+ Gender Reveal Ideas You Can Do At Home

Revealing your babies gender doesn’t have to be an expensive or elaborate event, I think that some of the sweetest ways to reveal the gender can be done easily at home.

It’s a lovely way to share the special news, or just for your own intimate reveal with your partner/children/pets at home! If you’re looking for inspiration, I’ve compiled over 20 ideas including FREE ways to reveal the gender too!

20+ Gender Reveal Ideas You Can Do At Home

1.Bath Bomb At The Ready!

Gender reveal bath bombs are a fun and instant way to reveal the gender of your baby, plus, you can enjoy a nice soak in the bath afterwards!

It’s such an underrated way to reveal the gender, but it’s such an affordable option to pay homage to this special moment.

Instagram image credit: @sanabelbomb

2. Champagne Flute Cake Reveal

The hottest way to reveal a babies gender in 2025, it’s the simple heart shaped cake with a champagne flute reveal.

A pure, and sweet way to reveal the gender that is perfect for couples to intimately celebrate the news. Double it up with plenty of flatlay pictures afterwards to share with friends and family.

Instagram image credit: @treatsbykat_

3. Pop The Balloon

A traditional, but popular way to reveal the gender at home is with a gender reveal balloon. These can be picked up quite inexpensively and look great in photos and reaction videos.

Instagram image credit: @balloonsattheavenue

4. Swing At The Piñata

This gender reveal piñata is a fun and engaging way to reveal the gender with your friends and family at home.

Take it in turns to swing at the piñata and wait for everyone’s reactions!

5. A Slice of Cake

Rather than sticking in a couple of champagne flutes, make the most of the cake and grab yourself an intentional slice that you can enjoy afterwards!

Choose a simple and minimal cake like the below, or go for something more elaborate, dependent on budget.

Instagram image credit: @cakemyday_nl

6. Smoke Cannon Outdoor Reveal

If you’re revealing the gender during dry or warm months, a smoke cannon reveal outside is a lot of fun!

Those vivid colors will pop in the sky and look amazing on any photos and videos you capture to share online.

Instagram image credit: @genderrevealsupplies

7. DIY Scratch Cards

An interactive way to reveal the gender, DIY gender reveal scratch cards like the below can be sent to loved ones to scratch off at the same time, or just for giving to your kids to get them involved in the magic!

8. Chocolate Smash

Not a fan of cake? A chocolate smash reveal is a rising way to reveal the gender, and they look so pretty too!

A perfect gift for your kids, like the below big sister chocolate smash.

Instagram image credit: @thesugarcrush___

9. Confetti Cannon

When isn’t confetti a good idea?!

If you don’t mind the clean up job ahead of you, a confetti canon is a beautiful way to share the special news, and it’s an instant visual way for yourself, or guests to cherish the news with you.

Instagram image credit: @genderrevealstore.nl

10. Balloon Dart Board

If you’re throwing a gender reveal party at home, this balloon dart board ticks all the boxes!

Each guest takes a turn to throw the dart which will eventually reveal the gender on one of the balloons that gets popped.

11. Get Your Pets Involved!

Get the whole family involved and have your furry friends announce the news for you in the sweetest way.

I am totally onboard with this idea, and sorry, but isn’t this the cutest way to do it?

Instagram image credit: @brandyandmoose

12. Styled Flatlay

Share the news with your loved ones with a special gender reveal flatlay.

Take inspiration from the below for a gorgeous way to lay out the news. Some core items to use include a letterboard, baby onesie, teddy bear and motifs or accessories to do with the gender.

Instagram image credit: @adornlashstudio_

13. Photo Slideshow

Invite guests over and show them your latest holiday photos on a slideshow! Create a slideshow ending with a photo of the reveal (e.g., baby shoes, outfit, or ultrasound).

A completely FREE way to reveal the gender whilst it being such a special way to share the news with your nearest and dearest.

14. Grandparent Reveal Box

Be it a grandparent, aunty or a friend, share the news with a gender reveal egg box! The recipient has to crack the egg to reveal the gender, a really unique and special way to share the news.

15. Fortune Cookie Reveal

Bake homemade fortune cookies with pink or blue slips of paper inside, you could even add special quotes to the pieces of paper too.

A perfect idea if you’re hosting a party or a large gender reveal gathering at home.

16. Exploding Golf Balls

If you have a golfer in the family, step this way for the most opportune gender reveal idea yet!

These exploding golf balls reveal the gender on release, so fun to capture on camera too.

17. Umbrella Confetti

Instead of opting for a confetti cannon, have some fun by filling an umbrella with plenty of pink or blue confetti. Open the umbrella yourselves to reveal the gender to your guests.

18. Finger Painting

Blindfold parents or siblings and have them finger-paint together. The hidden paint colors will reveal the gender, remove the blindfold for the sweetest surprise.

19. Snow Spray

Use colored snow spray on a fence, driveway or lawn to announce the news.

A super way to showcase the gender if you have a snowy landscape to play with!

20. Cupcake Surprise

Share the love with your gender reveal and instead of a large cake, opt for gender reveal cupcakes. Pass each guest a cupcake and get them to bite into it at the same time to reveal the gender!

Instagram image credit: @sancakes.nl

21. Streamer Explosion

Hide rolled-up pink or blue streamers in a decorated box or balloon to unroll when opened.

Streamers are a really affordable yet engaging way to share the news!

Which of these ideas for sharing your news is your favorite? Let us know if you have any other tried and tested ways for revealing the gender at home in the comments below.

Photo of author
Susan Sage
Susan Sage is a dedicated mother of two, whose journey through parenthood has fueled her passion for sharing knowledge and expertise with other parents. Her articles are a treasure trove of insights, offering practical advice, emotional support, and innovative ideas to help parents navigate the complexities of raising children in today's world.

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